Midway Hotel
- Due to the fact that the hotel is surrounded by many residents it is required that guests, particularly those in groups must be respective in regards to noise and silence during the evenings and late quiet hours especially after 23:00 pm.
- No parties and drugs are allowed at the premises.
- Please note that the check-in time is starting after 13:00 - 14:00 and check-out is before 11:00 am. if the room is not yet available when you arrive, you can still leave the luggages at the reception deposit room and pick them later when the rooms are ready or whenever you are.
- Guests are required to show the original (no photos or copies) identification documents (ie: passports, UE valid id card, UE resident permit, UE driving license) upon check-in. Minors must be accompanied by parents or legal tutors and have their written authorization and a copy of their passports if not present.
-Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.
- Please inform us in advance of your expected arrival time. You can use LET'S CHAT box (down right corner) or contact us directly throught email, phone call or WhatsApp.
- Extra guests are not allowed, each new guest must be registered at the reception and pay an additional fee.
- No smoking inside the rooms.
-No pets or animals are allowed.
Hotel Midway is very thankful for your cooperation and respectiveness of the above rules and wishes you a calm and pleasent stay!
Free cancellation and penalties:
You can cancel for free 2 days before the arrival. If you cancel after the 2 days before the arrival you will be charged the whole amount of the reservation. If you do not show the penalty will be the same of the cancellation.
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Obbligo informativo degli aiuti e contributi pubblici si dà atto che, nel corso dell’esercizio 2021, la società HUAXIN SRL ha ricevuto aiuti e contributi e comunque vantaggi economici da pubbliche amministrazioni e da soggetti di cui al primo periodo del comma 125 dell’art.1 della legge 124/2017 dettagliati nel prospetto seguente:
Soggetto erogante
Somma incassata
Agenzia Entrate
Agenzia Entrate
Agenzia Entrate
Agenzia Entrate
Data incasso
Contributo fondo perduto Decreto Sostegni Art.1 D.L.22/03/2021 n.41
Contributo fondo perduto Decreto Automatico Sostegni Art.1 D.L.25/05/2021 n.73
Agevolazione IMU D.L.41/2021 Art.6-sexies
Contributo art.6 Decreto Min. Turismo 24/8/2021